The name is CATHERINE. SJCian, St Helen. I Dilligence. Netballer {WA/C/GS}.
I'm a die-hard fan of Hot pink, limegreen, black and purple. Not much of orange.
B2ST, B1A4, 2PM, MBLAQ, FT.I, F(X) and MISS A ftw. Kikwang & Jinyoung are hearted. They rock ttm.♥
bold underlined strikethrough italic

Friday, August 28, 2009
prelims r officially OVER
but not PSLE
but at least can use com
tday went daiso w/ tricia n jacqueline
at first went tricia's hse
eat alr den go
den shop shop shop
aft dat go tuition
science one
idk whad t type liao
so byebye peeps!
Labels: kim hyun joong rawkz
♥our lips must always be sealed
6:20 AM

Sunday, August 23, 2009
haiz tmr prelim
scared siah
aiyah but wad t do
juz do my best
w/ God's help.
anws nothin t post laaaa..
ok ending here
Labels: netball rockzxcs my lifee [:
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:51 AM

Sunday, August 9, 2009
HELLOlets talk bout last friNATIONAL DAY6 hoppers were lyk crazywe were lyk th first class who stood up n singLOL:Dnow th partyee!~whoohooit was super super fun siashaleen was th first t comeden followed by yunxian n some more pplafter evryone camewe watched some tvden we went t playground t playden .. very boredso came bac t houseaft dat on some songsn abigail was playin comlolsnxt we ateidk wad food we atesort of forgotn too lazy t typehahah heeheen den we played gamessoon it was time t cut th cakewe smeared cake on each others facesluckily nvr smear on meth house became very dirty full of cakeaft dat i opened presents alr lyke quite lateso ppl started going homebut i enjoyed myself a lot!kays n i tink dats all i will postbyes n lovees(:
♥our lips must always be sealed
9:38 PM

Saturday, August 1, 2009
bck t post again
yesterday got first for 1.6
happy sia
but still got actual run
now is my sister's bdae partyye
but im posting
still haven finish hw
sian luhh
ok enough of posting
♥our lips must always be sealed
5:02 AM