Thursday, November 26, 2009
Im *NOT gna talk bout my results.(:
Good but i think its BAD.
Okay, today aft goin to collect results, went peixuan's hse.
B4 tht went opposite 7eleven, bought instant noodles.
Thn aft tht went playground.
Saw Tessa, Jiawen n Shermaine thr.
So we ate thr, LOL.
Aft a while, Jiawen went home or somewhr liao.
So i juz talked to Tessa n Shermaine..
Blah blah..
okay thn sft a while more..
they also went idk whr.
So left US.
Talk talk talk..
We talked a lot.
Thn went to peixuan's hse.
Ohkay la.
Thn we went down again,
to another playground..
Thn pamela they all were lyk tryin to decide which sch to go to..
Suddenly, drizzle!
okay so we juz went under th shelter of th playground or wadever.
Thn jacqueline wanted to use toilet.
So we went back to px's hse lor.
Haha, played monopoly.
Millie damn digusting luhhs.
She was licking her socks or somethin liddat.
I was disgusted.
okay thts abt it.
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:14 AM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Lets talk bout ystd..
Erm aft church went to bugis w my family.
Ate at foodjunction,
thn saw th neoprint shop, so went to take lorh.
Thn went bhg.
Walk walk walk.
Aft tht erm, idk go whre?!
Went to dk wad village..
I bought starbucks shirt n life spirit bag!!!<333
okay thn i super happy.<3
Nothin les, so
♥our lips must always be sealed
9:24 PM

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009
heyyoz ppl..
Haiz.. so many ppl cry today sia,
Haha, i NEVER!
Anw, today millie, pamela, peixuan n some other ppl stayed back.
Thn we played hide and seek.
Damn fun, lol, shalini nvr play b4 so she dk all th hiding spots.:X
Thn slacked a lot.
Aft tht, went home.
Wth, i nothin to post liao lahh.
okay, erm, bye lorh.
♥our lips must always be sealed
3:57 AM