Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Ystrd went to vivo w jacqueline, millie, peiy jing, pei xuan n melissa.
I tell u,
First all of us met at hg mrt station.
Thn train-ed to vivo.
Went to candy empire,
but didnt buy anything.
So we went to pet safari.
N thr were tis two dogs, FREAKINGG CUTE siol.
aft tht went timezone.
Millie n I played th dancing game.
Went BK to eat.
Thn went to toys r us.
Juz walked around, LOL.
Laugh n laugh, but tht millie kept disappearing.
Jac met us at toys r us.
Okay, so went to th top floor to play with water,
All of us got wet.
We took pics.
Thn ran down to th water fountain n started playing with water again.
We got wet again, tis time, even more.
Aft tis went to playground,
but millie n jac stayed thr fr a while more.
Played fr a while.
Very bored, so we went to change.
Waited fr millie n jac.
Ohkay, aft tht, went to do th painting thingyy.
Also went to th cocoa trees.
I bought jelly beans.
Th jelly beans thr damn nice luhhs.
Thn jac or someone took melissa's chocolates n ran away.
So melissa chased aft her lor.
N thn everyone started running.
Thn pj left.
So we also went back.
Obv, we train-ed back.
Thts all.
Jacqueline, Millie, Peiy jing, Melissa n Peixuan,
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:00 AM