The name is CATHERINE. SJCian, St Helen. I Dilligence. Netballer {WA/C/GS}.
I'm a die-hard fan of Hot pink, limegreen, black and purple. Not much of orange.
B2ST, B1A4, 2PM, MBLAQ, FT.I, F(X) and MISS A ftw. Kikwang & Jinyoung are hearted. They rock ttm.♥
bold underlined strikethrough italic

Friday, January 29, 2010
Hey hey, long time bo post liao.
Stayed bck in sch to wrap hampers today.
Okay, i lazy to elaborate luhh.
Hahaha, Byeeee.
♥our lips must always be sealed
2:18 AM

Friday, January 8, 2010
Day 1.Er, had IJ trail & TBG.TBG very funnnn, hahahs.:DDun feel lyk posting leyhs..At night had night activities.Lyk u have t blindfold urself thn someone will lyk tell u go whr?!Something liddat lahhh.Thn went to bathe.CHIONG until lyk siao worr.No time t bathe de.Thn had to do reflections.Aft tht lights out alr.Day 2.Woke up at lyk 6am.One of th first to wake up siol.LOL>:DDDWoke PX n vanesia up.Thn go toilet brush teeth n change, blahblahblah.Aft tht phyllis n regina all tis also woke up.Thn PX went bck to th bunk n slept again.Diaozxcs.-.-Haiyos.Thn instructors came.Had to go eat breakfast.Beehoon.Idk y, but it tastes sweet.Had transition talk n SK trail.At 1 time during transition talk, we had to form groups.Thn draw some things.Caris was drwing everything.Hahahs.Lyk rubbish drawings.Thn cassandra, regina n I laugh lyk siao.Cannot control.Thn lunch.SK trail was damn FUNNN.Smth lyk amazing race.Around sengkang & sjc.Aft th trail ended, went back to our bunks.Thn had to go for dinner.Had campfire.Niceeee.:DThn got debrief n supper.Must do some more reflections..Thn chiong t th toilet to bathe again.Hahah.Aft a while lights out liao.Thn in th middle of th night,Regina doing yoga,laugh lyk siao again.Thn th instructor come in ask us sleep,ask regina dun make us laugh or smth.Idk luhh.Day 3.In th morning cassandra told me they last night talk until very late thn sleep.Siao uhh.Day 3 until 12pm only thn break camp le.Thn everyone rush t canteen buy drinks.Btw, need to go fr 2nd trial fr netball, volleyball n table tennis.Okay done talking. Anw, instructor Peihwa n Sharu rockkkks.Buh byeee.
♥our lips must always be sealed
10:40 PM
Hellos, back frm camp!
It was fun.
But srsly th food sucked.
I want to change blogskin again.
Will continue posting nxt time.
gtg. Byeeeee.
♥our lips must always be sealed
4:29 AM